Monday, March 23

Sheep Gate / Pool of Bethesda

Sheep Gate and Pool of Bethesda, very near each other. this is where Stephen got stoned.

Today, there are lions "guarding" the sheep gate because Sultan the Magnificent had a dream of 4 lions attacking him. why? he believes it's because he didn't protect the Holy City. so he put 4 lions at this gate. haha..

Pool of Bethesda is also where Jesus healed the lame man in John 5.

stairway down to the water area, which proves that this was a pool. Moshe actually went down to throw a stone into the water area, just to let us hear the pebblehitwater sound, PROVING that there's water. okok, i believe you moshe.

some trivia. there were 4 groups of Jews.

1. Sadducees - they run the show at the temple. considered the highest of highest class of Jews. Very extremely religious.

2. Pharisees - think they accept the greyer areas of the Jewish laws.. can go wiki it to find out. Moshe said that the bulk of Jews belonged to this catergory, but upon further research, it doesn't quite appear so. what IS true however, is that there was no "middle" class for the jews. you were either high class or low class. Pharisees were considered high class

3. Essenes - the scribes, people of simple life. because they believe that life on this earth is not important. what's important are your treasures stored up in heaven.

4. Zealots - the rebels. FIGHT THE ROMANS!!! they scream. small number, but very powerful and radical. they did eventually win over the jews to fight with them, which was a wrong move, coz that caused the jewish race to die.

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