Monday, March 23

Wailing Wall

We then reached the famous Wailing Wall.



where people were REALLY wailing. quite a sight. once again, females were seperated from males. people would usually write their prayers on a small piece of paper, and try and slip them into the cracks of the wall. so that's what i did! hahaha.. just for fun and tradition. i know i don't need to write it down on paper etc, (like what uncle peter says, why use slow mail when we've got direct access?) but just for experience's sake. hahaha..

some pics of us being so pious. hahaha..

but i WAS genuinely praying lah. wah, it was so tough to just GET to the wall. had to wait for ages, and then squeeze my way through the crowd.. so of course had better get my "time's" worth! hahaha...

more pictures of us at the site




we also saw this mini-showcase area, and Moshe taught us about the timeline of Jewish history.. pretty interesting. who conquered Jerusalem when..

also, Jews would usually celebrate boys turning 13 years old. a "becoming a man" time. Bamitzvah. took a video of part of their celebration. very loud and jovial and affair. quite the opposite of the wailing wall.. and yet, both occurances are side by side.

one such celebration

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